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Bouvier Des Flandres

Breed Group: Herding
Weight: 69-90 lbs
Height: male: 24-28, female: 24-27 inches
Color(s): from fawn to black, including salt and pepper, gray, and brindle
Coat: The Bouvier Des Flandres is a thick and heavy coated dog with a distinctive beard and mustache. Coat requires extensive maintenance grooming wise. Harsh, rough, and shaggy looking hair is dry and somewhat crisp. Undercoat is soft and dense, while outercoat is rough and harsh.
Overview: This intimidating breed is rather calm and gentle, but comes off as fearless and powerful. Adaptable to many environments, this breed makes an ideal guard or watchdog. Intelligent and easy to train, all the while keeping you entertained.
Character: The Bouvier Des Flandres is best described as enthusiastic, even-tempered, playful, gentle, and pleasant, this breed can make an excellent household companion. Great with children, but should be socialized from puppyhood with other animals if they are to get along.
Temperament: A quiet and calm breed, the Bouvier Des Flandres is intelligent, fearless, good natured, and responsible. This breed is not recommended for the average pet owner and requires firm handling to avoid any dominance issues. Given the right home, training, and love, this breed would be great for family life.
Care: Having a long and shaggy coat, the Bouvier Des Flandres requires much maintenance in the grooming field. Needing to be trimmed at least three times a year to prevent any matts or tangles, this breed should also be brushed on a daily basis. If properly groomed, this breed will shed little hair.
Training: Consistent training is a must for this large and sometimes stubborn breed. Requires firm training. A quick learner, the Bouvier Des Flandres makes an excellent guard dog and is generally easy to train.
Activity: The Bouvier Des Flandres does best with a large sized yard, but will do okay in apartment life if given proper exercise. A very active breed, this dog must be regularly exercised. Long walks, and running free are recommended under close supervision.

Category: Herding | Added by: dogbreeds (10.04.08)
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