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Belgian Sheepdog

Breed Group: Herding
Weight: 60-65 lbs
Height: male: 24-26, female: 22-24 inches
Color(s): black
Coat: The Belgian Sheepdog has somewhat of a harsh texture to his coat, but it should be neither silky nor wiry. A full double coat, the outercoat should remain coarse yet soft, and the undercoat should be dense and fluffy.
Overview: A member of the herding group, the Belgian Sheepdog does exceptionally well in herding and guarding. An intelligent and affectionate breed, the Belgian Sheepdog does best in a country environment, but can do well in home life. This breed has very strong protective instincts and does well as a guard dog.
Character: Attentive, alert, loving, and smart, the Belgian Sheepdog requires firm socialization at an early age as they tend to be very protective of their owners and territory. Nipping at ankles is a common trait for this breed, as they still possess a strong herding instinct.
Temperament: This is a very high-energy breed, and should always have a job to do. If not properly entertained or left alone for long periods, this breed can become destructive. The Belgian Sheepdog can do well with children, but can present aggressive behavior towards other dogs. Does well with other household pets if properly socialized.
Care: Daily combing and/or brushing is required for this long, straight haired breed. Should be brushed down all the way to the undercoat to prevent tangles or matts. The Belgian Sheepdog does shed heavily during warmer seasons, and grooming is particularly important during this time.
Training: The Belgian Sheepdog requires an experienced handler, and firm training. This dog is very intelligent and is eager to please his owner. This breed does exceptionally well in obedience and working sports as it was originally bred for herding.
Activity: The Belgian Sheepdog would do best with at least an average sized yard but is given proper exercise, can do well without one. Long brisk walks are required if this breed is to live without a yard. This breed does best when off lead in a safe and fenced in area.

Category: Herding | Added by: dogbreeds (08.04.08)
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