Herding |
45-55 lbs |
male: 21-22, female: 20-21 inches |
any shade of gray or chocolate. White may appear as a blaze, or on tail tip, feet, and chest. Tan points may also occur. |
Bearded Collie has a shaggy coat that covers the entire body, even
under the chin. The weatherproof outer coat is long and dense. The
under coat is soft and thick. Their coat color changes several times
over their life-span. The Bearded Collie puppies are generally born
black, brown, blue, or fawn. The puppy coat then fades to cream or
light gray. Once they reach maturity they darken again to their adult
coat of brown, fawn, blue, or black. Bearded Collies are average
shedders. |
breed is commonly referred to as the "Beardie". They are a medium-sized
agile herding dog that is an ancestor of the Old English Sheepdog.
Originating in Scotland, this breed was used for centuries to herd
flocks of sheep and cattle. They were developed to be independent
workers and made decisions concerning their charges without human
guidance. The Bearded Collie nearly disappeared in the early part of
the 20th century, but were saved from extinction in 1944. They are
still fairly rare in the United States today, but their popularity is
growing. |
Bearded Collie is hardy and active. This unspoiled and natural breed
has strength, is a hard worker, and makes a devoted companion. They
possess self-confidence and are never shy or aggressive. The Bearded
Collie is bouncy, bright, reliable, and trustworthy. They are suited
equally for being a household pet, as well as working in any weather
condition on any terrain. |
enthusiastic, affectionate, and loving breed, the Bearded Collie
thrives on family, fun, and being given a task to perform. They are
sweet and easy-going, as well as bold and rowdy. This breed is
excellent with children and other family pets. They do not do well if
left alone for extended periods of time with nothing to do. Since they
are herding dogs, this breed may attempt to perform the task with
everyone and everything that moves. The Bearded Collie is not an
excessive barker, but will bark to announce visitors, show their
excitement, or if they are bored. |
Bearded Collie requires daily brushing to prevent tangles and mats. The
coat must be misted with a conditioning spray prior to brushing.
Professional clipping can be done every two months. Dry shampooing or
bathing should be done as needed. This breed is prone to allergies, hip
dysplasia, eye problems, hypothyroidism, and auto-immune disease. |
independent thinkers, the Bearded Collie will occasionally decide that
they know best. Some are easier to housetrain than others. This breed
is highly trainable for various activities. Obedience training is a
must as they have a tendency to be headstrong. They excel in tracking,
agility, herding, performing tricks, and competitive obedience. They
respond best to firm, fair, consistent, and loving methods of training. |
highly active breed, the Bearded Collie requires an inordinate amount
of exercise. They are not recommended for apartment dwelling, as they
prefer to have free run. Fairly active indoors, they do best with a
large yard or on a farm. Bearded Collies do not like to be confined and
enjoy being outdoors with their family playing or performing a task. |