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Breed Group: Herding
Weight: male: 60-75, female 50-65 lbs
Height: male: 24-26, female 22-24 inches
Color(s): sable and white; tricolor, blue merle; white (predominantly white, preferably with markings)
Coat: This breed comes in both rough and smooth varieties. Both have same coloration accepted. Most commonly seen in tri-color (black, white and tan), blue merle, and sable and white are also acceptable colors for this breed.
Overview: The Collie is known for his elongated muzzle and coloration. This breed is very intelligent and keen on working as this is a herding breed. Great with children of all ages, providing the dog is well trained and properly socialized.
Character: This gentle breed makes a great household companion. The Collie has an obedient nature, willful, and gentle. Classified as one of the easiest to train breeds in the dog world. This breed is very self-assured, sweet, gentle, and trustworthy.
Temperament: The Collie has a very even and well-mannered temperament. This dog is regularly seen in homes with other animals and children, as they are very gentle and passive. Originally bred for herding, this dog has the tendency to nip at ankles as a pup, however most grow out of this stage. Willing to learn and very loyal, this dog will surely provide you with a lot of love.
Care: The rough variety does not require as much grooming as smooth. Short and stiff coat requires brushing weekly. Smooth variety requires daily brushing to remove any excess hair, and to keep hair from becoming matted. Monthly baths are recommended as their long coat traps dirt. The Collie is a heavy shedder given the season.
Training: This very intelligent breed is easy to train. This willful dog requires a gentle hand to avoid shyness and refusal to cooperate with his owner. Trained for herding purposes on occasion, this breed has a strong will to work and to please his owner.
Activity: This large breed responds best with a medium sized yard. Will do well in apartment life if given regular exercise. It is not recommended that this dog be left outdoors for long periods of time in hot weather, however if given the proper shade and water, will do okay.

Category: Herding | Added by: dogbreeds (03.04.08)
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