Hounds |
male: 24, female: 22 lbs |
male: 17, female 16 inches |
red, black, black and tan, or brindle, all with white feet, chest and tail tips; white legs, blaze, and collar optional |
Basenji has a very short coat, which shouldn't require much grooming.
The hair should be short, fine, and somewhat harsh. The hair should not
be too coarse, however should not be silky. The Basenji tends to clean
himself making the coat very easy to care for and relatively clean.
This breed has little to no doggy odor, and sheds very little. |
Basenji was originally developed in Africa for hunting purposes. The
Basenji is a sight hound, hunting by sight only. They have very strong
hunting instincts that persuade them to chase after anything; they love
to chase after cars. The name is pronounced Buh-SEN-jee, and they are
best known for their bark: They haven't got one. The Basenji is not a
barker, however they do have a distinct yodel and wail when they are
excited or when hunting. |
Basenji can be somewhat aloof around strangers making him a very
suspicious breed. This breed is very intelligent yet independent at the
same time making training quite a task. He is very alert, rambunctious
and playful making him a lovely family pet, however this breed does
love the outdoors and does best with acreage. |
Basenji is a very alert and fun loving breed, however is not
recommended for an inexperienced owner. This breed has the tendency to
become destructive if left along for long periods of time so proper
training and confinement will work best for this fault. Basenjis can be
very patient and good with children, however should be socialized early
to prevent the tendencies to fight with other dogs. |
Basenji is much like a cat being very clean and grooming himself on
occasion. This is a little to no shedding breed, however does require
some grooming if the coat is to stay in good shape. An occasional
brushing with a firm bristle or wire brush works best to remove dead or
loose hair from the coat. The smooth coat of the Basenji is very easy
to care for. |
Basenji should be socialized early to prevent any destruction problems
if he is to be home raised, and to ensure that he will do well around
children and other animals. Obedience training is a must for this
energetic and very alert breed. This breed should have a variety of
training methods to keep his attention, as he tends to bore quickly.
Variety, consistency, and firm handling work best with the Basenji. |
Basenji being so energetic needs quite a bit of exercise. Vigorous
daily walks are required as this breed has a lot of energy and can be
somewhat tireless. This breed being a hunter has the stamina of such
and does best with a fenced in yard. However, the fence should be
planted deeply into the ground and rather high to prevent escape as
this breed can be an escape artist if proper precautions are not taken. |